Restoration Road
Is there anything in your life that needs restoration? Like a classic car that needs restoration, each one of us must surrender our old basket case of a life to the Restorer who desires to return us to His original design. As He disassembles and renovates the unrestored or self-restored components of our lives, piece by piece, we begin to reflect His inspiration fashioned from clay in the garden of Eden. Our greatest value is revealed when the Restorer uses us to restore authenticity to others who are lost from their original design. Discover the Master Key that unlocks your heart, desires, and three resources of life to restore you to the most valuable commodity in today’s culture — authenticity, reflecting the design of the Designer. Every sale, every relationship, every task, every decision in your life will come down to unlocking the gate to Restoration Road toward the destination of life that is priceless.
Week 1 EP1: Sand, Stone, and Clay – Video – Worksheet
Week 2 EP2: Something of Value is Lost – Worksheet
Week 3 EP4: The Dirt Road: “If I Can Get You Convinced, I Can Get Them Convinced.”
Week 4 EP5: The Deal Maker : The Greatest Auction
Week 5 EP7: A Foolʼs Sin and the Restorerʼs Grace
Week 6 EP8: Pride is the Lock On The Human Heart; Humility is the Key
Week 7 EP9: Restoring the Four Chambers of our Hearts
EP10: Restoring Our Four Desires (Significance & Contentment)
EP11: Restoring Our Four Desires (Control & Security) with Tony Dungy
EP12: Restoring Our Time, Talent, and Treasure with Jim Bradley
EP13: Restoring Living Hope…Restoring New Life
EP16: Restoring Others: Every Encounter is a Three-Way Call EP18: The Gate, The Road, The Destination