Four Prison Walls of Withholding Forgiveness

The Parable of the Unforgiviing Debtor (Matt. 18:21-35) Revenge (Part 1), Resentment (Part 2), Regret (Part 3), Resisting Blessing (Part 4)

The Unforgiving Debtor

Forgiveness received warrants forgiveness issued. Listen Now!

From Gullible to Godless (A Word Study in Proverbs)

Have you ever played the fool?  The opposite of wisdom is foolishness, so we want to avoid the role of the fool at all costs.  A study of Proverbs gives us five stages of fools from the Hebrew language.  The list represents a cycle of increasing hardness of heart, from gullible to godless.  A good […]

Sin and Grace

Mitch shares a message about sin and grace. Listen Now!

Leading Difficult People through Listening

4 steps to lead 4 difficult types of people. Introduction (Part 1), Leading the Aggressive through Listening (Part 2), Leading the Complaiiner through LIstening (Part 3), Leading the People Pleaser through Listening (Part 4), Leading the Passive-Resistive through Listening (Part 5)

Solomon’s Cycle of Conflict

How conflict presents a choice that leads to change which affects community that creates conflict.

Crave the Word not the World

How to desire God rather than what is opposed to Him (1 Peter 2:1-3). Listen Now!

A Spiritual House

Building, aligning, and connecting our lives with the Living Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:4-10). Listen Now!