God has placed a box inside each one of us, the box of the spiritual heart. When we are locked an dunrestored we are proud and harsh. Learn how to unlock and restore your proud heart.

Restoration Road Chapter 9: Pride is the Lock on the Human Heart, Humility is the Key
Restoration Road Chapter 7 & 8: The Raid & A Fool’s Sin And The Restorer’s Grace
A study of Proverbs gives us five stages of fools from the Hebrew language. Just like the sand heart of the younger son and the stone heart of the older son, this list represents a cycle of a hard heart — from gullible to godless. Have you been a fool? Download Worksheet
Restoration Road Chapter 5 & 6: The Deal Maker & The Greatest Auction
The pursuit of our desires apart from God causes us to neglect our faith because we seek satisfaction of our desires from elusive pursuits apart from God. How have you been loosely chosen, thought, prayed or wanted satisfaction of your desires? Download Worksheet