
Reclaiming Relationships

Where do you draw the boundaries for your relationships? Whom do you let in, and whom do you keep out?

Sometimes, we draw the lines too loosely. Solomon observed: “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). In Hebrew the phrase “many comparisons” and the word “ruin” come from the same root. It is a picture of hardening our hearts toward God’s design for our relationships. This often occurs when we hang around those who entice us to sin in our areas of weakness.

Still other times, we draw the lines too tightly, only wanting to be around those who mimic our beliefs, so that we feel comfortable. However, Paul continually communicated that we should make the most of every opportunity to reach outsiders (Colossians 4:5-6; 1 Corinthians 5:10; 9:22). Otherwise, we risk leveraging every relationship for our selfish benefit.

What would happen if you would surrender your relationships to God’s boundaries?

Today, reclaim all of your relationships for advancing the heart of Christ in them. Search for ways to help your friends experience the Spirit of the Restorer. You might even begin studying the Bible with some of them. Focus on how you can apply your relationship with God to your marketplace encounters. In your conversations with your customers, employees, competitors, and vendors, be transparent about your journey on Restoration Road. You will discover that many people are on the same journey you are traveling.

For more, watch: Found with Larry Lance

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