In an attempt to reconcile David with his banished son Absalom, the wise woman of Tekoa seized the moment at the conclusion of her parable to craft one of the most insightful word pictures ever expressed to the shepherd turned King: “Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. […]

David Inhaled the Breath of Life: Worship, Word, Workout (Psalm 103; Psalm 23:3)
God Devises Ways for Life: Inhale the Breath of Life from God (2 Samuel 14:14)
After being confronted by the wise woman of Tekoa about reconciling with his exiled son Absalom, David was faced with whether he would inhale the breath of life from God who devises ways so that the banished may not remain estranged from Him. First, David would have to remember his own sin and God’s justice, […]
God Devises Ways for Life: A Way to Pull (2 Samuel 14:14)
The Bible teaches God devises ways for life for those who are estranged from Him. Despite our sinful nature which often pushes others away, God still pulls the banished toward His abundant and eternal life. Let’s examine a story from the Bible where people are pushing when God is pulling. Amnon Devises a Way to […]
God Devises Ways for Life (2 Samuel 14:14)
Do you devise ways for those outside Christ to find life with God or to remain separated from Him? Be careful, there is no neutral. We all devise ways to either pull people toward God or to push them away from Him. The determining factor is how we respond to the life-giving inspiration of the […]