Are you risking combat with a fool? Are you thinking of getting involved in a quarrel that is not your own without being asked? Perhaps, it’s time to consider how to avoid the person with whom you are experiencing tension. Proverbs provides two scenarios when we should avoid our counterpart in conflict. First, we should […]

Wisdom in Conflict Management Styles: Avoid (Proverbs 26:4-5; 20:3; 26:17)
Wisdom in Conflict Management Styles: Accommodate when the Relationship is of Greater Value than our Personal Stakes (Proverbs 17:9)
Are you experiencing a conflict where you are winning the argument, but potentially losing a valued relationship? Perhaps, it’s time to consider how to accommodate the other person. Proverbs provides four scenarios when we should accommodate our counterpart in conflict. First, we accommodate another’s interest when we are wrong. Second, we accommodate when the issue […]
Wisdom in Conflict Management Styles: Accommodate when Wrong (Proverbs 6:1-5)
Are you caught in a conflict that would dissolve if you would merely accommodate another person’s interest? Solomon offered four scenarios when it is wise to accommodate. First, we must accommodate another’s interest when we are wrong. Proverbs says that if we have been trapped by a foolish decision, then we should go, humble ourselves, […]