
Online with God – 30 Day Experiment (Matthew 6:6)

When and where do you pray most frequently? Jesus taught: “When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:6). Two thousand years ago in Palestine, the only room with a door inside a home was a closet. Jesus was describing a 24/7 intimacy with our heavenly Father.

Each of us is designed to be a person who PRAYS, worshiping 24/7 in our work, play, homes, and churches. First, when we praise our Heavenly Father for who he is 24/7, He downloads His Person and power for us to forward the same to others. Second, when we renew our minds with God, He downloads His passion in us so we can transfer His passion to those around us. Third, when we ask God to supply our needs to advance His kingdom, He downloads His provision so we are equipped to share His provision with everyone we meet. Fourth, when we yield all unsettled accounts to God, He downloads His peace, allowing us to transport His peace to anyone who locks eyes with us. Fifth, when we surrender to be Spirit-led, God downloads His protection, which we can offer in all our relationships.

Take a 30-day experiment and be a person who unselfishly PRAYS in secret, following Jesus’ model in the Lord’s Prayer. Go into your room, get on your knees if you are physically able, and (1) praise your heavenly Father for who He is, (2) renew your mind to seek His will for your life, (3) ask for His provision of your needs to advance His kingdom, (4) yield all unsettled relational accounts to him, and (5) surrender your heart to be Spirit-led.

In this pattern, pray specifically for someone who is either skeptical of God or seeking to surrender their heart to Him. The Kingdom of God will break through your life in a way only God’s intimacy can. That uninterrupted divine connection will attract others to Christ in you.

Christ paid the price for each of us to become a person who PRAYS, providing His Spirit who empowers us to be online with God 24/7.

Episode 24: Online with God 24/7 from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.