
Yield (Psalm 145:17)

Are you holding on to a past hurt by someone who has wronged you? If so, how is it affecting your relationship with God?

David recognized God’s unlimited righteousness and love: “The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving toward all He has made” (Psalm 145:17). Righteousness and love are two components of forgiveness, God’s vehicle that transports grace to others. Forgive means “to let go.” When we let go, we yield. Just like a driver’s response to a yield sign, when wronged, we slow down and let the other person go.

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said: “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). C.S. Lewis observed that, “as” was the most sobering two-letter word in all Scripture because the prayer is for God to forgive us in the same exact manner in which we have forgiven others. For some of us, this is a scary prayer. We have to yield all unsettled accounts to God, radically issuing to others the forgiveness that we have received from Him. If we are not characterized and known as forgivers, then we have not truly received God’s forgiveness (see Matthew 6:14-15).

David yielded all unsettled accounts to God and experienced the Lord’s peace through His righteousness and love. When we yield all unsettled relational accounts to God, He downloads His peace into our hearts, and we transfer that peace to our relationships with others. God’s peace flows from His righteousness and love offered only in Christ.

Yield 24/7 all unsettled accounts to God. Let go and let God bring peace to your relationship with Him and your relationships with others. When you pray, seek the Spirit’s guidance to reveal to you all unsettled relational accounts as you yield to Him. God will download His peace and help you link His peace with others.

Episode 24: Online with God 24/7 from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.