
Pursuit of Wisdom

Everyone wants wisdom, but what is it really, and where do we find it? Wisdom is God’s heart combined with street smarts, the vertical intersecting with the horizontal. Wisdom applies our relationship with God to our relationships with others, including our tasks. We were designed to have a heart for wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-6; 22:17-18), to desire wisdom (Proverbs 3:15), and to pursue wisdom with our time, talent, and treasure (Proverbs 4:7).

But where do we find it? Wisdom begins with a humble, malleable, clay-like heart toward God, the author of wisdom (Proverbs1:7, 11:2; 22:4).

Foolishness, the antithesis of wisdom, is derived from a proud heart,one that breaks apart the vertical from the horizontal. The result is a four-walled imprisonment in legalism or license that leaves us unrestored and dissatisfied. That prison gate is unlocked with the cross-shaped Master Key of full surrender to Christ the Restorer.

For more, watch The Restoration Road with Mitch Kruse, Episode 1: Sand, Stone & Clay

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