She sat in her car, With her fists in the air She screamed, “God I don’t love you, And I know you’re not there” She hardened her heart She let Satan inside Her faith became smaller Until it withered and died She prayed for love She prayed for healing But she felt all her prayers […]

God Was Still There by Makenzie Dick
Episode 18: The Gate, The Road, The Destination
Episode 18: The Gate, The Road, The Destination from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
A Clay Heart
A clay heart is a humble heart that lives in the sweet spot where our vertical relationship with God intersects with our horizontal relationship with others. In fact, the words “humility” and “humanity” come from the same Latin word, humus, which means “from the ground.” Consequently, humility is bending the knees of our hearts, “to […]
Master Key of Full Surrender
The Master Key that fully surrenders our hearts to the Restorer is cross-shaped, the perfect combination of the vertical intersecting with the horizontal. The vertical axis is our relationship with God. The horizontal axis is our relationship with people. In order to fully surrender the Master Key into the lock of pride on the human […]
Sand and Stone of Pride
Pride is a hard heart, one that makes itself higher than others. It comes in two forms: sand or stone. A sand heart focuses on people and tasks at the expense of God. It is loose and requires a storm to be shaped and restored. A stone heart pretends to focus on God at the […]
Pride is the Lock; Humility is the Key
Pride is the lock on the human heart. Humility is the key. Imagine the inner workings of a lock fashioned with two concentric cylinders that are held together by four spring-loaded pins. The inner cylinder represents our spiritual heart. A key is the perfect combination for each respective lock. It pushes up the spring-loaded pins […]
Basket Case
Is there anything in your life that you would like to be made new? Like a classic car that needs restoration, each one of us must surrender our old basket case of a life to the Restorer, who disassembles and renovates the components of our lives, piece by piece, whether they be unrestored or self-restored. […]
Authenticity Versus Pretense
Authenticity is said to be the highest value in our postmodern culture because it aligns our lives from the inside out.Consequently, we deconstruct every person we encounter to discover whether he or she is truly authentic. Pretense, the opposite of authenticity, misaligns our lives from the outside in. In the collector car world, we call […]
Lost Treasures
In the early 1930’s, famed car designer Ettore Bugatti crafted the world’s seven greatest classic cars, the Bugatti Royale’s. However, two remained lost for decades. The pursuit of these lost treasures prompted racer and car builder, Briggs Cunningham, to approach the wrought iron gate of Bugatti’s estate. Once inside, he noticed a brick wall that […]
Restoration Road Chapter 9: Pride is the Lock on the Human Heart, Humility is the Key
God has placed a box inside each one of us, the box of the spiritual heart. When we are locked an dunrestored we are proud and harsh. Learn how to unlock and restore your proud heart.
Episode 17: Restoring Others, with Kelly Byrd
Episode 17: Restoring Others, with Kelly Byrd from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Restoration Road Chapter 7 & 8: The Raid & A Fool’s Sin And The Restorer’s Grace
A study of Proverbs gives us five stages of fools from the Hebrew language. Just like the sand heart of the younger son and the stone heart of the older son, this list represents a cycle of a hard heart — from gullible to godless. Have you been a fool? Download Worksheet
Restoration Road Chapter 5 & 6: The Deal Maker & The Greatest Auction
The pursuit of our desires apart from God causes us to neglect our faith because we seek satisfaction of our desires from elusive pursuits apart from God. How have you been loosely chosen, thought, prayed or wanted satisfaction of your desires? Download Worksheet
Episode 16: Restoring Others: Every Encounter is a Three-Way Call
Episode 16: Restoring Others: Every Encounter is a Three-Way Call from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Episode 15: Restoring Living Hope: Jim and Linda Pearson (Part 2)
Episode 15: Restoring Living Hope: Jim and Linda Pearson Part 2 from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.