What is God’s will for your life? King David described the process of knowing God’s will in a psalm: “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). “Delight,” anag in Hebrew, means “to make one’s heart pliable.” In essence, it is a surrendered heart that is […]

God’s Will
Champion For Life with Bay Forrest
Episode 86: Evangelism with Bay Forrest from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Four Primary Desires
Four primary God-given desires reside in each one of us. Every choice, every thought, every prayer, every feeling is connected with every investment of time, talent, and treasure by the heartbeat to satisfy these desires. It’s why we click, buy, sell, or act. We see them in the very first book of the Bible. The […]
Into the Darkness, Guided by His Light with Robin Strine
Episode 85: Into the Darkness, Guided by His Light with Robin Strine from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Desires are not for our gratification, nor their negation, but for our transformation. They are intended to point us toward desiring God and lead us to restoration, so that we become carriers of this life-altering message. These are desires that can only be satisfied in full surrender to the Restorer. Amidst our travels on Desperation […]
Recovered with Shelby Lynn
Episode 84: Recovered with Shelby Lynn from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
At the executor’s request, I visited a New England farmhouse that had been home to an heirless couple. I noticed how the structure leaned in one particular direction on its foundation. I was amazed that the interior was filled with junk stuffed in boxes spread apart widely enough to form a maze through the various […]
Cancer Redemption Project with Zach Bertsch
Episode 83: Cancer Redemption Project with Zach Bertsch from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Joy in Serving
Philippians 2:1-30 Serving is the sweet spot of joy. Listen Now!