On what foundation do you make every choice, capture every thought, process every feeling, or offer every prayer? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus painted the picture of a foundation upon which His disciples could build their hearts and lives. Jesus summarized it as building one’s house on the rock (Matthew 7:24-29). He closed […]

Go Wisely: Wise Builder
Go with Discretion: Disciple
Jesus taught His disciples to discern and disciple. First, they were to discern their mentors, noting that their roots determined their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20). Second, His disciples were called to disciple others who would multiply the fruit of the kingdom (Matthew 7:21-23). Disciple. Intimacy with the Root produces His fruit (Matthew 7:21-23). Jesus preached that […]
Go with Discretion: Discern
Have you ever entrusted yourself to a mentor who wanted you to be more oriented toward man-made rules than relationships? Rather than base his advice on the teaching of Christ and the counsel of the Bible, he developed his own personal potpourri of teachings. Describing two trees, Jesus addressed this dichotomy in the Sermon on […]
Go Through the Narrow Gate (Part 2)
We approach life with God through one of two gates, traveling one of two roads, leading to one of two destinations. One is religious, traveling from the outside in. The other is relational, traveling from the inside out. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus described the two gates, the two roads, and the two […]