We approach life with God through one of two gates, traveling one of two roads, leading to one of two destinations. One is religious, traveling from the outside in. The other is relational, traveling from the inside out. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus described the two gates, the two roads, and the two […]

The Wide Gate
Restoration Theology – Bible
Listen to Mitch’s latest radio show on WBCL. Click to download worksheet
The Gate, The Road, The Destination
Susan and I were returning from our annual anniversary week of rejuvenating in the sun at Atlantis in the Bahamas. We sat and talked in the Nassau Airport awaiting the boarding announcement for our return flight home. When our flight number was called, we quickly grabbed our bags and merged into the line to enter […]
Every Encounter Is A Three-Way Call: Connection Three
Jesus conveyed that we should not go to the world either condemningly with a hard heart of stone or carelessly with a loose heart of sand; rather, we should go connectedly with the Spirit of God in total humility, and with a soft heart of clay (Matthew 7:1-12). Every encounter with another person a three-way […]
Every Encounter Is A Three-Way Call: Connection Two
Every encounter with another person a three-way call. When we are connected with God and connected with others, then they are connected with God. Whereas pride brings static on the line, humility offers a clear connection. Here’s how Jesus described the three connections: Connection One-ASK God. Connection Two-ask others. Connection Three-others ask God into their […]