What is the condition of your heart when you attempt to go to a lost and hurting world with Christ’s message of restoration? Jesus conveyed that we should not go to the world either condemningly with a hard heart of stone or carelessly with a loose heart of sand; rather, we should go connectedly with […]

Every Encounter is a Three-Way Call: Connection One
Restoration Theology – Angels
Listen to Mitch’s latest radio show on WBCL. Click to download worksheet
Restoration Theology – Church
Listen to Mitch’s latest radio show on WBCL. Click to download worksheet
Discerning the Heart
When you communicate the gospel message of restoration, do you first give thought to the heart condition of your audience? For example, Proverbs teaches of the dilemma that occurs when we attempt to argue with a fool (Proverbs 26:4-5). When doing so, we just can’t win. Solomon communicated that when attempting to connect with others, […]
Don’t Be Careless When Handling Pearls
Are you careless in the way you approach others with the gospel message of restoration? We often see careless words played out this way. A believing woman is married to an unbelieving husband. Over time, their marriage gets dinged and corroded, resulting from two people with totally different hearts being united in matrimony. The believing […]
Prison of Withholding Forgiveness
Are you holding on to an offense and withholding forgiveness from anyone? A few years ago, at the beginning of a school year, I received a call early in the morning from my daughter’s teacher who was coordinating chapels for the school. She confided that she had lost her chapel speaker for the first four […]