Solomon accumulated possessions for the sake of significance (see Ecclesiastes 2:4-8a). Israel’s king constructed the temple in seven years (see 1 Kings 6:38); however, he invested thirteen years to build his palace (see 1 Kings 7:1). He constructed the wall around Jerusalem (see 1 Kings 3:1), built a fleet of ships (see 1 Kings 9:26), […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise | Sweet Success: Significance (Ecclesiastes 2:4-8a; 2 Corinthians 8:9)
Do Discover Security (Part 2)
Would you like to achieve financial security? How much money would it take for you to have it? Security means that we don’t have to worry. It means that we can trust in one resource to be true all of the time. This desire for security came from God providing man every seed-bearing plant and […]