In order to lead leaders, we must speak with grace. This is held at a premium in our world today. When the heat of interpersonal conflict rises, we have a tendency to speak with a harsh tone, one that demands what we want. Wisdom offers a different way. Solomon counseled: “One who speaks with grace […]

Solomon’s Secrets to Leading Leaders – Speak with Grace (Proverbs 22:11)
What Can We Learn from Solomon? (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
Life apart from God is meaningless. A divided heart led to a divided kingdom. It’s the first sin. It’s the wide gate. It’s love of the world. King Solomon pursued earthly knowledge for the sake of contentment, possessions for the sake of significance, military might for the sake of control, money for the sake of […]
Solomon Pursued Pleasure for the Sake of Gratification (Ecclesiastes 2:1)
What kind of pleasure do you seek in order to gratify your desires? Pleasure is defined as “enjoyment, delight, amusement, or happiness.” Too often, we seek happiness apart from God. Solomon sought pleasure from wine, women, and song: “I thought in my heart, ‘Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what […]
Solomon Pursued Money for the Sake of Security (Ecclesiastes 5:10; 7:12)
Where do you turn for security? Is it a person, a place, or a thing? Security connotes “safety, refuge, or a sanctuary.” Oftentimes, we seek security from money. Solomon was wealthier than any other king on the planet (see 1 Kings 10:23). “The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents” (1 […]
Solomon Pursued Military Might for the Sake of Control (Ecclesiastes 4:13-16; 8:2-10)
Do you ever abuse control? When given more responsibility, do you exercise more and more authority over those around you? Control means “to roll against.” When seeking control, we roll our will against others. Pursuing the development of his own mighty hand, Solomon experienced control issues. Israel’s king ruled over God’s people (see 1 Kings […]
Solomon Pursued Possessions for the Sake of Significance (Ecclesiastes 2:4-8a, 11)
Have you ever pursued the accumulation of possessions for significance? Significance includes the word, “sign.” In essence, significance says, “Hey, look at me.” Sometimes, we think possessions will bring us the attention and meaning we seek. No one has attempted this at the level of Solomon. The King of Israel constructed the temple in seven […]
What Can We Learn from Solomon? (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
Life apart from God is meaningless. A divided heart led to a divided kingdom. It’s the first sin. It’s the wide gate. It’s love of the world. King Solomon pursued earthly knowledge for the sake of contentment, possessions for the sake of significance, military might for the sake of control, money for the sake of […]
Reflect the Heart like a Mirror (Proverbs 27:19)
When dealing with a difficult person, do you struggle to reflect that person’s heart in a way that communicates you understand his or her desires? Unfortunately, most of us rarely stay engaged long enough to get that far and see that deeply. Because so few people connect with a difficult person’s heart and even fewer […]